429 / 30
19th Oct 2012
6th Oct 2015
All 100% made by me and 0 Wifi. You may use with credit. Many of the outputs are bray, many inputs along compressed wires and logic gates go left-right. I am constantly making them better and adding new stuff. I take requests for making new things...
electric electronic technology electronics echyx logicgates ohgod useful computer


  • IceCubez
    5th Jun 2018
    why do people hate me? this just sparks and makes lights!
  • aaronshenhao
    18th Nov 2017
    Top left, sorry. I don't know how to edit comments.a
  • aaronshenhao
    18th Nov 2017
    Anyone mind explaining how the 16bit ALU works (in the top right)?
  • aaronshenhao
    18th Nov 2017
    ARAY logic gates are very nice! I've been trying really hard to find them.
  • Top_op
    17th Nov 2017
  • blueflame
    27th Jun 2017
    nothing icecubez has built is complex, so obviously he wouldn't see the usage of these electronics.
  • Sam_Hayzen
    23rd Jun 2017
    @freestuffguy: A bit harsh, but I second that.
  • freestuffguy
    5th Apr 2017
    IceCubez: It seems in your area of knowledge, you do not know what makes a computer work. What you describe as "sparking pieces of junk" are the components of what makes up a computer. Since you said those are junks, are you saying that computers are junks ? Doesnt have a screen means its not a computer ? Dont make me laugh. Please go to google and search about what those components do.
  • IceCubez
    8th Mar 2017
    "USEFUL ELECTRONICS" more like sparking pieces of junk
  • R33sesK1ng
    8th Feb 2017
    @mecha-man I would like you to please help me with a metal detector. I've been working on it for months. Tell me in the comments section of my save when you get the chance. (ID: 2094561)