All 100% made by me and 0 Wifi. You may use with credit. Many of the outputs are bray, many inputs along compressed wires and logic gates go left-right. I am constantly making them better and adding new stuff. I take requests for making new things...
@randomkid1999: They have liquid nitrogen, seems to be mostly the same property.
i will never make anything as awesome as this. Do you know why? Cause i don't understand half of the stuff on this save yet. xD Awesome save man +1
ok lets see what this is (opens save) ooookay to complicated for me....
@sentinel we tpt user's ar here for you.
im sorry to hear that sentinal-5
I assume we can copy these ingeinius devices. If i do, i will give credit.
Im sorry for your loss sentinal-5. I hope you find comfort in your life soon
:O Woah! I have no idea what some of this stuff does! This is some advanced stuff. I dont do a lot of electronics, mostly TPT facinating anomilies, to me, most of this looks like advanced alien tech! Awsome functions and they also look cool! +1 for epic save being epic
you spelled useful wrong
carlosrod2001: The 7bB>D is a 7-bit binary to decimal converter.