440 / 15
15th Oct 2012
17th Jul 2014
mapS is the fourth SoC developed by Rawing and me. It offers 5 bit variables and is quite fast.
computer wooooooowww complex genius nerdinagoodway electronics program maps tiny programmable


  • Darkn1883r
    7th Apr 2014
    Anyways +1 this deserved it
  • Darkn1883r
    7th Apr 2014
    @Rawing and @drakide: I really love mapS, but it honestly needs an upgrade and other demonstrations of it's capabilities. I acknowledge how long this must have taken to but nowadays most TPT users aren't very patient and want a simulation that won't take too much time to use.
  • MadisonSilver
    3rd Apr 2014
    I got a score of 4.
  • G-LinuxorU
    23rd Mar 2014
    @Rawing I know how that is, make something work then upgrade it later. @Drakide Of course. I think Ark discovered/invented it anyway. Here are some examples; 1295658 Cram, 1307826 Teh Snake, 1430267 Word Printer, 1482765 Sign tool 2.0.
  • jake2468
    22nd Mar 2014
    this may be efficient for numbers up to 50, after that it's just a nuisance, and for numbers over 1000 it is impossible. however Arks bin -> dec is a lot more efficient since you can input bits in the trillion region and output is in blocks of 4 bits. even though it is a lot bigger and slower, for a computer i'd definetly recommend it since it crunches big numbers which you may need.
  • jake2468
    22nd Mar 2014
    @G-LinuxorU one problem with your bin ->dec. if i input 11001 it would give a output which i would hook up to display 25; and if i input 100011 it would give me a completely different output line which i would hook up to display 35. (second half above this comment)
  • drakide
    22nd Mar 2014
    @G-LinuxorU: Nice converter! May we use it in our next computers?
  • Rawing
    22nd Mar 2014
    @G-LinuxorU: Thanks for that bin->"dec" converter. In our defense, we know our converter isn't state-of-the-art (and wasn't when we published this), but we wanted to publish the computer asap and the converter worked well enough. (Heck, we even built that stupid INST thingy to rearrange the output bits instead of actually building the converter correctly!)
  • G-LinuxorU
    21st Mar 2014
    I can't understand how most of it works, but i do see some Bin->Dec's that could use upgrading. Here's some Cray Bin->Dec id:1410219
  • Knight-Matthias
    20th Mar 2014
    This is awesome!