440 / 15
15th Oct 2012
17th Jul 2014
mapS is the fourth SoC developed by Rawing and me. It offers 5 bit variables and is quite fast.
computer wooooooowww complex genius nerdinagoodway electronics program maps tiny programmable


  • c-miner-2213
    22nd Dec 2012
    What the?! No dislikes??!! AMAZING!!!! +99999
  • drakide
    22nd Dec 2012
    Thanks everybody!I just wanted to give answer to some of your comments. First of all: A "hardware guess the number" simluation would of course be much faster. However this save is a freely programmable computer! It can be easily programmed in an assembly like langugae developed by Rawing and me. Take a look at our forum post and get the SDK!Moreover you mustn't forget that mapS does record your score and has a simple cheater detection built in. If you compare its speed to the one of other Computers in TPT mapS is way smaller but still faster than most of them.One more thing: This is NOT my first save. Some of Rawing's saves were actually my idea. Additionally I have some more saves that are simply not published because I don't consider them ready. (I've developed 3 Coputers /SoCs together with Rawing until now. mapS's predecessor "raBooF" only has minor bugs.)
  • Moonkey
    22nd Dec 2012
    *ahem* I forgot to mention it guessed 16,24,20,22,21.
  • Moonkey
    22nd Dec 2012
    Wooh!!! I got Highscore with a score of 4! My number was 21. It guessed 24, 20, then 22, then 21. :D
  • hittox
    22nd Dec 2012
    That's the most complicated things that i have ever seen!! +1
  • Ethorrocks
    22nd Dec 2012
    Here is my expirement. I will pick a number, and after EVERY guess, I will follow the steps, and afterwards, shock it with an EMP strike to see if that changes anything at all.
  • Ethorrocks
    22nd Dec 2012
    I am going to test the effects of EMP on this. How does the answer mutate? Will it eventually shut down? These are the answers I am trying to get.
  • EDIS2048Psychic
    22nd Dec 2012
    This is the only computer I love. I was doing a programmable TPT computer but I was too busy with school :( Good luck drak
  • EDIS2048Psychic
    22nd Dec 2012
    nice one! :) The smartest save I have seen. I like the Aray-Filt design
  • circovik
    22nd Dec 2012
    I will also try