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@cj646464: Got the flag... @sandstorm: Got ya'!, Thanks!
its posted.
@cj646464: Alright do the flag, My God... @cyberdragon442: Counted!, Thanks!
American here.
Under Egypt, I was working on the sphynx when I found a chamber leading to a glowing gold light. Found It. Chaching. ill make a flag if you want one.
@cj646464: Ok & Atlantis... well is sunk somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.
Ok, Ill put a comment on th page. Also, where the F********* is ATlantis? I added the extra asteriks so you cant tell what word it is.
@cj646464: Yes! Sure! and its ok dude, theres no instant connection between the group and the website. @jman42: Counted!
i'm from the USA