Welcome! In this save you will be able to share your nationality with the TPT community! See how many people are from your country! :D
oh, If you think were funny, then check save id: 1. 14 pages of pure comedy.
I wonder how long it will take him to find it. (Or B: he has no comeback)
@BothofYou: You guys are awesome! hahaha
@cyberdragon442: I loled! XD hahaha @cj646464: True Story! *toast*
I think he will just assume a computer virus or something. 0_o o_0
He probably doesn't even know what virus is.
sshhh...I'm hiding. I just trolled b-tenthousand with his own spam comment. (:<
Oh, yes. Im finally on the map.
bottom right
Wheres Atlantis?