Welcome! In this save you will be able to share your nationality with the TPT community! See how many people are from your country! :D
Thats Africa right? If it is, you'll be up in a few min., Thanks!
please add me
@CLassiestMedic: Lol Got ya' @xOreoz: Got it bro, Thanks!
I come from Swedon.
I'm from The good ol' USA! Land of fast food, diabeetus, and the best damn BBQs you have ever attended.
Who changed my Atlantis flag. i live here, I know what the flag looks like so don't change it. Gosh, everyone and their stereotypes. Cant have a secret civilization without one stereotype forming.
cyberdragon442>sshhh...I'm hiding. I just trolled b-tenthousand with his own spam comment. (:< \/ don't do that cyberdragon442!
@cyberdragon442: lol maybe never o_O @cj646464: Got it bro! Btw guys Im leaving, see you tomorrow! Bye!
And MOISEs, were talking about virus as an element in the mod were using.