I will make texture's, just tell me a element you want textured and I will do it, and if anyone wants to use these, they can but you have to credit me for the texture.
i know but there's water, fire, ice, and rock meteorites
there are stony, and metl meteoites...(usually composed of iron), and stony iron meteorites.
tatr629000 no fiberglass ... and so on
masterspyro what type of metrorite
fiberglass, plexiglass, heatless photons, photon haze (a bright normal light.),
make Meteorite then,
blue, purple, and many othercolors, i don't think you wold need to make them,they are kind of like glass, only more clear.
tell me the colors
crystals, kind of like swarovski.
ya, try more gemstones, like meteor stone, and gems and stuff. by gems i mean the ones u find on jewellery