credit to kostyan 1996 and bvande for their bits. theese both do the same thing, they take an 8 bit 'decimal' input and convert it into 'binary', and vice versa. you can copy but give credit. hope you like it!
@cyberdragon442 there are two seperate clocks calibrated to exactly the same time and it doesn't matter if you input binary or not all it does is 'flip the signal on it's side' if you know what i mean(serial i think) that's why i put binary and decimal in quotation marks. @screenisbroken7, i don't know, i was trying to build one that was compatible with this 8 bit code, but it was deleted with the rest of my stamps. DAMN! that's a long comment!
Is it posible to create a big enough lcd moniter on powder toy?
ps...where's your clock I/ is your serial supposed to work without a clock rate?!
actually they are both binary but one's parallel and the other is serial.
@the builder, yes! it is! well done. and @cylers, sorry about that, but to explain it fully would take a whole other save! and after a while i just get tired of doing all that writing, because THERE AREN'T ENOUGH SIGNS!!!! >:(
your instructions are tooo vague, we are stupid enlighten us
so this is like a traslator of data?
actually i said how to use it, IN THE SAVE! READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!
nnnoooobboooooddyyy knnnoooowwwss!
How can i use it?