I will make professional-quality logos; just describe them to me. I don't do animals, people, or video games, but that's the only limitation.
Can you make me one of my name using pixals (SWCH, HSWC, and PUMP) that changed colors continouesly?
Sorry but i wanna a logo ps: do your best kkk
uh, and can you do am out of service for me?
feynman, di du remeber the chosen ones group? why did you dont make a save fro the contests?
it's awesome
oh man i can't believe i didn't see mine!
I'm still working on it; you have a long name.
hello feyman. Have you finished my logo yet? its ok if yoy're to busy to tend to it now, but i urge that it is done soon, so i can add it to my club page
k just askin bc some logocreators dont start working even when they said yes so.....