I will make professional-quality logos; just describe them to me. I don't do animals, people, or video games, but that's the only limitation.
thank you i like it alot haha took me a minute to find it.
Markcol13: sorry, it didn't work. I did make you a pretty good one though.
wafar12: Sorry, but I am not very good st weapons. I will make a logo though. makol13: I can try...
i know that you are probably backed up with work could you make me like a newer style mustang that is blue and white or red and black/white with my name or *sidenote* i know you dont do animals but if you cant do the stang maybe cobra wrapped around my username
could u make mine with a shield (pretty big) with two swords going diagonaly down the shield with my name at the bottom thx!
Pretty much. :(
so from the description i guess that means you wont make me an anime logo?
i need a logo thats like my name spelled in letters that look like metal with bolts in and its kind of weatheread with a nuke and a glass bottle of coke on both sides? thank you.
Oh nevermind I see it!!!!!!!!! I love it!