My flagship. It's ready for action, but changes are still possible in the near future.
I find that MORT makes the shielding much more reactive, to the point where it is threatened it releases not only a wall of smke but can even take out flammable materials.
Sorry, I see. You should make the front shield have a point at the bottom to rememble a hammerhead class ship. And I get what your saying, and yes it wouldn't be able to land if that happened
What I'm saying is that this thing doesn't need much armor on the part that should NEVER be exposed to the enemy anyway, and that would cause it to fly like a space-brick.
That's what the expendable Gargoyles are for. :D
Back shield? Thtat's the front shield. It's purpose is to let the ship take a tremendous pounding from the people it's pointing its giant laser at. this thing isn't built to be in the thick of it.
This is looking great :D The back shield should run the length of the ship (Albeit thinner) to add some extra protection.
There's a huge glow reactor right in the middle.
what about a reactor or generator? (ignore if you already have these)
913738. That's my armor plating.
It already has a hangar, two, in fact and would be too heavy to enter atmosphere to drop bombs, but a set of vertical-launch missiles is something I would make.