Now part of the Pixel Club. Please note: I do not do video game graphics or animals. Very attentive to comments; unlike many other logo businesses, all logos here are guaranteed within 2 days, usually less.
Hello Uhh Do you think you could hook me up with a mushroom cloud and a glowing line with my user slanted under the line. I'll make a diagram just in case you dont under stand where I want it then I'll give you the I'd, (you might want to make it on another game because it looks like youve ran out of room) :D Thanks, -potatomilk
Hello, FeynmanTechnologies I would like the logo in the top right of the screen, The oats Logo. But instead it should have my username on it. It will be great if you reach me soon, Thanks.
gimmie a suprise logo
Do a rotating green PHOT of my username and add a piano above it. Thanks!
I want a brekable logo of my avatar. THX
hi! i would like a logo that has a cool glowing font with "TheScienceKid" written in the font. some embr decorations or some electronic decorations would be nice too! also if you can, add some science to it. THX!
Hi there! A lot of logo makers hve been inactive recently (Most of these were published in 2011) so I thought I would start to make some. If you want a free good quality logo fast (ish) place your order now at ID:2007810.
Hey guys, i've noticed there aren't many active logo makers so I started doing requests provided they weren't complicated. If you want one for free go here: id:1988557
Oh yeah, for the Death Star logo, name it Vader16 logo. Thanks!
Hi, I'd like a logo. I'd like the Death Star with my name under it. It doesn't need to be super extensive, just a recognizable DEath Star. Thanks!