648 / 32
17th Jul 2012
18th Jul 2012
A TPT type uran reactor. (Not realistic). The rods temperature is auto. monitored and changed based on the target temperature. You can override the system by sparking the manual rod control buttons. Sparking the SAFE swich will disable the safety system
reactor detailedandworks genius masterpiece buysdbisgod complex rbmk uran nuclear hidden0signats


  • MeinFuhrer
    18th Jul 2012
    This is best thing ive ever seen! Favorited
  • BuysDB
    18th Jul 2012
    nvm it's possible. :D. Thanks for your comment.
  • BuysDB
    18th Jul 2012
    @sentinal-5, I don't think you'll be able to meltdown the reactor while the safety systems are online. (Safe switch up).
  • sentinal-5
    18th Jul 2012
    this is a very safe reactor, it's amasingly tricky to meltdown using only the reactor controls. i can't upvote again so kudos to you!
  • BuysDB
    18th Jul 2012
    Walls: first rough shading by hand, smudge, darken/lighten tool to get a more rough surface. The blue detectors: First colored them blue, made the sides darker, smudged and added a little lighten tool.
  • isaacflod
    18th Jul 2012
    I ment the shadings on the wall and like the temprature detectors
  • BuysDB
    18th Jul 2012
    I made such a save a while ago, I'll update it someday.
  • tibbtof
    18th Jul 2012
    You should make a place that includes all of your creations, as in a small mantion and the nuclear plants
  • BuysDB
    18th Jul 2012
    What shading exactly? Some of them are done with darken/lighten tool, others are done by covering large areas with the smudge tool.
  • isaacflod
    18th Jul 2012
    by the way BuysDB how do you make those shadings?