14th Jul 2012
24th Sep 2014
This memory can be used to build computers or whatever, but it's not a standalone thing. If you 'don't know what to do', I don't care. This is for people who know what they're doing. Other people don't need this.
@EDIS2048Psychic: There you go. That's 128 variables with 8 bit, right? If it doesn't work reliably, tell me and I'll fix it. I didn't really test it.
I have made a 128x8 RAM but it is not stable. Hope you will mke one for me. It will be used in my programmable computer project. ;)
May you make a 64x8 for me? Thanks very much.
what about 1Kb ram? :)
@Tycjan13 actually it was a ROM, but who really cares? we all knew what you meant.
Interesting. Will use on my latest project.
i wish i could understand what these do...
The INWR address selector has only been around for a couple of months and it was originally made by Crisonis who also used it in his 8 kilobyte ram...
from now on let's all call you 'the ray meister'. no that's stupid, i think i'l just stick to Rawing.