14th Jul 2012
24th Sep 2014
This memory can be used to build computers or whatever, but it's not a standalone thing. If you 'don't know what to do', I don't care. This is for people who know what they're doing. Other people don't need this.
It no longer works. At least not the 128x8 blue one on the right. When reading it does not reset the original data. The byte is left as all 1's and the data corrupted. Please fix this is the best ram available.
But then all other addresses (10, 01, 00) can ALSO pass through there - there is no BRAY to block anything, since you placed FILT there. That's why you need the inverted address. Using the inverted address, you now have 2 beams of BRAY able to block the perpendicular BRAY, and only the address 11 can pass through.
If you shoot BRAY for each bit that's 1 in the address, then that will block everything with a 1 where there should be 0. Imagine the 2 bit address 11. This will shoot 2 beams of BRAY. Therefore, you have to place FILT on both of those place, so the perpendicilar BRAY can pass through. (cont'd in next comment)
Ok that clears things up a bit, but why the inverted address?
The decoder works by making the address as well as the inverted address shoot BRAY through a FILT pattern. This selects exactly one line, because in any other line, there's BRAY somewhere - that's how the FILT pattern is built. So, after this has happened, you fire BRAY into the FILT pattern - and all of it is blocked except one, because that's the one without any BRAY to block it - it flies straight through the FILT.
BTW, I would like to know how the decoders on these things work. I know how to use them, but I'm at a loss as to how they work.
This is very good, I might use this in the future.
Can anyone tell me what the 'curved' filt on the largest module is for?
I dont know what to do and I dont care. +1 for when I work out what to do (:
Thanks very muc :)