126 / 6
13th Jul 2012
12th Feb 2013
Terres Industries have invented new, more compact design for a deuterium fueled steam engine to power their machinery! To get the percentage of DEUT, press D and mouseover the deuterium above STOR. Life = Percentage.
industries zedsd technologyleague power energy steam reactor terres engine deuterium


  • astro-nomical
    18th Jul 2012
    try to add a condenser so its even more efficent!
  • keever10
    18th Jul 2012
    lol SET LIFE DEUT 9999
  • FilipT
    18th Jul 2012
    In future, I'll use it to power most of electrical devices in my saves.
  • Jamesdrake4
    18th Jul 2012
    You Should make a house with that
  • Ironpenguin
    18th Jul 2012
    Its fun using overcharged cells. a cell with 200 life has temporary higher power, but a higher chance of explosion. overall. good work. also. the industrial one can explode from overheating. Rarely though
  • FilipT
    17th Jul 2012
    Okay. Tried to fix it using PRTI and PRTO, it broke because of pressure keeping the DEUT stuck next to STOR. :(
  • FilipT
    17th Jul 2012
    Yup. I'll try to figure out how to prevent it from doing that, so it uses life 1-10 DEUT without taking up space.
  • desred3
    17th Jul 2012
    I just thought of that...and it means that STOR also saves some of the lfe of the element in it...
  • FilipT
    17th Jul 2012
    Yup, that's the effect of Deuterium depleting and sign that you need to replace the barrel. :)
  • desred3
    17th Jul 2012
    Well, this kind of reactor is very common, so I think that the one with the most beatuiful design wins :P Anyways, the Consumer version sometimes gets stuck with water, because it can't heat up.