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6th Jul 2012
26th Jul 2012
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  • evarno
    17th Jul 2012
    2 yeses?
  • anon
    17th Jul 2012
    Also in responce to your comment the visiting of alien life on earth is 1 in millions and millions so that I beleive is close to impossible.
  • anon
    17th Jul 2012
    yes the universe is so vast that anything that can happen should pottentially happen.
  • jjakee
    17th Jul 2012
    The universe goes on for ever it is infinite and out there we are finding similar planets and finding out the our planets have hosted life at one point even stephen hawkins beleives in aliens
  • Aegis12314
    17th Jul 2012
    i think it is impossible that there cannot be intelligent life out there, the universe is so impossibly vast that there must be something else out there
  • jjakee
    17th Jul 2012
    I belive they exist, depicted in a ancient babalonian tablet there is a god holding the universe with plantet unknown to us today which is known as plantet x, search illuminati on google, mind blowing
  • PacBrad
    11th Jul 2012
    I dunno...
  • Mihobre
    11th Jul 2012
    idk. if they attack us they die in a few minuites becuse of the germs and viruses because they are not used to it because they r too intelligent so they kill it so their bodies are weak for viruses+germs
  • Soap
    11th Jul 2012
    no i dont think they exist..
  • joshuaahn
    11th Jul 2012
    No cause as a catholic in the bible it never mentions aliens or things like that. same with the dinasours.