@evarno: nothing-ness, what was there before the big bang?
I did, it was sort of fun.
searching 'area 51 alien' on google images is not for the feint hearted LOL!
@sjd704 Exactly what I've been thinking. Think they've moved whatever though... too controversial. BTW, i submit Yes.
Also area 51 is hiding something.
electronics, what is past this 29.2billion light year diameter?
Yes, i also agree with circovik. And for the infinite universe theory the you have evarno... its false. The univrse is approximtly 29.2 billion light years in diameter
i think that probaly 95% of alien 'sightings' are false, but idk about the new mexico thing in the 50s', if the yanks were that quite about it, something probably did happen
Ever watched fact or faked paranormal files?
thats 2 yeses and one dont know. i personaly believe in extraterrisersials because space is infanant (never ending)