Can I join? I want to make chemistry stuff! Please?
Hey msasterisk Can i join? I've made a lot of bombs like a lot lol
and helium when you inhale it, the density of the air makes you sound like a midjet.
i keep wasting my phosphorous and sodium for explosions :D
Oh yeaahhhh they do use barium for x rays, it is very dense and so it is heavy and dense things block x rays. I think.
its element 56 it tastes like chalk and its white and liquid. I got it for my birthday off my dad who said the hospital made him swallow some to see if he's digestive system is working alright. the barium shows up on the X-Ray really well because its heavy. "Or something like that".
but yeah it is very hard to get
barium was named after the word bariatric, meaning heavy
Hey luke4061... isn't barium that element that means hard to get? Or is Barium the heavy one? I cant remember.