m3mggl jakis debil skopiowal te mapke...
Nicquicpap, surface: solid, temp: 10, life: human, 3/7 blue and cyan surface with mountains, plains hills blue clouds solar storm hail ice storm and snow
How 'bout you just make a planet in a save and ask "can you add my planet to this save?" and tell you the title of the save. :)
Bazondop, surface: solid, temp: 50 at night and 70 in the morning, life: people, 5/8, green and red surface with plains and mountains, purple clouds and pink rain.
Jesli nadal tworzysz planety, to zglaszam zamowienie: Demonia, solidna, temepratura umiarkowana, zycie jest, demony, planeta jest ciemnofioletowa, mroczna, byc moze tez z jakimis ogromynmi, ciemnymi wawozami. :)
Are you still making planets? Here's mine: Name: Kerlob, Surface: Solid, Temperature: 120 (bright side), -50 (dark side), Life: Gigantic worms (5/7 meters long), it has dark gray surface with high mountains, all covered with craters and some volcanoes, covered with orange clouds and some lakes
1: Deaegra 2: solid/liquid 3: about 572 4: extremophilic bacteria and few plants 5: Its basicly looks kind of like earth but the sea's are molten rocks and minerals and the land is made out of tough rocks and mainly crystals, however land is orange and seas yellow, It has few tiny dark green dots which should simbolise larger fields of plants