make me a planet, name: Ialex's Planet, Temperature: 27 Celicus, Planet type: Solid
name algobra,solid,extremely hot,life is a species of highly intelligent quadroped sodium based life forms,lots of volcanos,no water,oceons of magma and an atmospher of sulfer with crushing pressures(like venus)
Name: Theolo Type: Solid Temp:-70 to -150 degree Life: No. icy planet with many scars and craters and bluish in the poles
Name: Holofin Type: Solid Temp: Very Hot Life: Yes. Lava-like Wolves Looks Like: Scrapy burned and molten green rocky and big
elements of money O Ni U V
also has good clouds water and grass and a new ore Moneyium
also money looks like a shape shifter marble
Money surface solid temp 100DF at day 0DF at night Life Never Ending shape shifter