R.I.P Eduard Khil! :'( if you like mr.trololo then show your support! But dont worry, cause we will meet him in heaven! Me and him would appreciate it if you left a comment! :P
And asking for fp is also illegal
So I think I safe nowz!
Well i changed it to "Show your support!" and that could mean only comments or anything else! :P
Well just so you know asking for votes will get you a long ban or even a permaban. It never ends well
lol well sorry! I just REALLY wanna show ppl how much we miss him! He died this year at 77 y.o D:
At iceclimbers no I have never heard of him but asking for votes is totally illegal, you must be new to not know that.
I never asked for votes...I asked for support from me and eduard to show respect to his unfortunent death! D:
P.S. I \/-voted for asking for votes.
Why would you report this?Do you hate Eduard Khil?
@circovic, good idea. I was going to do that too.