Does nobody understand that this is a troll save?
Portal nice find. Damn lol coincidences
Water was the second element, deuterium was the 95th.
best save ever lol +999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
OH MY GOD if you go to the save with the same id as this user's name, id:122801, its name has WATER in the title!!! What does it mean?
Wow, that's not even water in the container, I had to check after reading these comments...
It's a really cool idea but powder toy is based on physics and realism and water doesn't have all those properties (set aside the putting out fire part, that's true), but I don't want to discourage your creativity, still, save those good ideas for something like scratch, TPT mods, or your on own powder sandbox simulation game. Okay?
@the-good-side Sure, Powdertoy is realistic.Oxygen and hydrogen / other flammables can burn by itself without anything else. Sure. Realistic.
They're serious? Maybe they should have their brain checked...