ask under comments if you would like one or if you would like to use one. Because of the time that 64-bit sprites take, I ask that you please vote +1 if you would like one.
Can you make my team? Meinshao, Raikou, Tornadus, Reuniclus, Chandelure
its fine, theres so many pokemon it can get confusing
My mistake about Latios, I was thinking of Lapras who fires from his mouth
umm ok?
you can cancel mine
Wings are still wrong
ok, but hold on people im still busy... (LOOK AT THE RED SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!)
Can you make a 128-bit Rayquaza please?
@circovik: actually if you have ever seen Latios use any attack, it uses his hands. Not his mouth @Werecat: yeah sure @LikeRice: ok sure
Hey, electronics if you still have time can you change the Snorlax into a 64-Bit Munchlax, please and Thank you for dedicating your time into this.