7th May 2012
12th Nov 2016
Ask in comments if you want a logo but please. write what do you want not only for example: the gun. but: AK47 shoots photons. I DON'T MAKE PEOPLE!!!
ja bylem pierwszy . okej ?
could you make me a logo with a snake?
moge cos oryginalnego , np. jakis dog tag z BF3 . z gory dzieki . jestes premierem!!
pieknie wyszed Ci darkrai
oh, thats not exactly what I told, but its pretty *O* Thanks
my name above a skull and crossbones and under two desert eagles (the gun not the bird) facing each other
A sniper from TF2 waving and saying "Thanks for standin' still wanka!"
next please
I dont want my name in it, ok? just the darkrai