7th May 2012
12th Nov 2016
Ask in comments if you want a logo but please. write what do you want not only for example: the gun. but: AK47 shoots photons. I DON'T MAKE PEOPLE!!!
Can I have one of either a raptor(dinosaur), nuke cloud or a pokemon
i know you already made me one but ur awesome can u make me a top view of an f-22 raptor?
za trudne dla mnie. jak chcesz to mozesz wziac cos innego
zrobisz dla mnie Logo mass effect ale tagie male
next please
turd with my tpt name that glows
Yo could you make a sword in a stone and have my screen name on the stone and have it light up somehow?
Would it be possible for you to make me a Desert eagle that is either silver or gold, that shoots photons or uses A-ray and shoots B-ray and have my name on the slide or the grip? thanks!
Can you make one thats Red With gold borders that has these groups of numbers staked up? 01001100 01110101 01101001 00111001
i want Fire-fenix, holding my name