7th May 2012
12th Nov 2016
Ask in comments if you want a logo but please. write what do you want not only for example: the gun. but: AK47 shoots photons. I DON'T MAKE PEOPLE!!!
Could you make it say Zappy212, and have it be all electric?
Could you make 'Creation Club' with tron and a big eyeball (saphire colour) above it(Possibly even something cool with TRON)
with some gears and cogs please
Hey, on my unknownboy55, could you add 55 and make the o abit more lloking like an o please
Could u make me an logo just like yours (Your minecraft one) With an Lavablock switching on and off when of it says ANGELO ;3 ty
alright thanks man
can you make me a logo with much electronics and that stuff ;3 the rest you can decide yourself ;D
Can you make a logo for me with a fox face in fire and under it my nick: Arek2217 ? Thank you :D
u posted my f 22 twice
Make me a flamethrower that, when you spark Unknownboy55(In Orange), flames shoot out of it