16th Dec 2010
19th Apr 2011
Where does all the radioactive stuff go when powdertoy users are done with it? To the Radioactive Waste Dump where it can be stored for all eternity... Please dont do anything stupid :-) Nuclear Disposal Service Ltd.
run bitch, run...
wut do i do if i did something stupid...
i like this thing! hehehe
@spyfus8 i would
I am thinking of taking some famous city maps and nuking them and then i can send in the NDS to clean it up:) What do you think? Would you like to see this?:D
Lill3n, Why so serious?:D Let us have some fun... And TPT isnt really the most realistic thing anyway:D
looks cool to
answer: its about 5, 5 metertall rods every 5th year that can be stored under a room filled w water per powerplant -.-
u should have like a steam tower. that would be cool to add
If you have any suggestions for things to add or improve please leave a comment:D