13th Apr 2012
13th Apr 2012
No walls used, works forever.
-1, its a ball of decorated dmnd, and pump. Nothing to do here.
1 hour ago:works forever?challenge accepted! now:omygawd i gotta get off and its still running!
Stephane: Actually, the exploding DEUT is just a method used to fuse hydrogen. All you really need is high pressure and temperature, which can be accomplished with ARAY and PUMP.
there's no wall
Well, I know 1 way: get super-cooled DEUT, add Hydrogen and add neutrons. It will create pressure, plasma, co2 and photons.
that is actually fusion, i want to see how you break a h2 atom
You used walls -1
i really dont see how this is that amazingly fp worthy... but at least its good art
@greentoes3, there are no walls, you're probably just hating it because it's better than yours.
you have used walls -1