Thats right. This thing will BUILD you a functional although crude and lopsided nuclear bomb. All you do is push start. This was long before they had them fancy CRAY builders, but it is still being tweaked regularly
nice, could look nicer
oh you cool it with array. nvm my last comment
you should cool down the brck frame with clfm or ln2 before injecting deut
Yay awesome :D
You mean the one by the Deut cooler? That's supposed to be there. It helps cool the deut down faster and it goes away when you need it to.... at least for me.
also, the deuterium gets blocked by a bray rod so the bomb doesn't get made properly
you could add things that shoot out ln2 when the nuke is finished
Thanks everyone for the positive reviews!On another note, is there anything you think I could improve about this save?
This is the greatest thing ever!
Awesome! I love this, this is actually the first thing I have seen like this and I have to say it is amazing. how long did it take for you to think up and make?? +1 for sure