11th Apr 2012
12th Aug 2012
My new calc is finished and has new features. multiplication, new loook, negative numbers
This calculator doesn't do negative numbers. Only positive
LIES! 1-9 IS NOT 0!!!!!!!!!! lol, minor problem. The point is, the calculator is awesome. +1
really? that was fast
I found out how to subtract without the major additions to the mech.
Ikr :P
thx I know what you mean. I've been tryna think of a simplier subtractor as well. It's so annoying compared to addition
I'm still trying to find a way to make a subtracting mech. without making a giant rom, It's so hard XD. Anyways good job man ;D.
To add negatives would be to much work. i'd hav to add a bit to my subtractor, add like 36 more possible sub probs that can be stored, andd redo my converter to use signed binary instead of unsigned
doesn't do negative numbers
1-9 isn't 0. vote down