this club that only the best can join. if you want to join, poste in the comments youre best save's id number and i will see if you can join (i dont care about fp or votes i care about looks and proformence).
when you are back, can you look at my saves again?
@jedi-117 sry you can not join. and sry people iv been realy busy latly and i do not have much time to play. il be back in a week or so.
oats the club is like a small comunity, you can contribute eneything.
can i join
Just one question will you be introducing projects into this club or are we just contributing anything or our current saves to the club. (I personally prefer "anything" as long as the quality is good)
Can you rate me again?
@Niven il giv you +50 points. and sry @Cuh- i have given you max points in art.
can you look at my stuff again? I wanna know if i've done anything to get some more points.
Do I get points for my MK14?
thanks :P