this club that only the best can join. if you want to join, poste in the comments youre best save's id number and i will see if you can join (i dont care about fp or votes i care about looks and proformence).
lol . .
HaHa, all your gun posts just swarmed the top two rows completely denying eggy's copy.
lol kk giv me a min
Could you put me in? I was in Circovik's one, with 500 points and a request for more waiting.
lol no we dont check eachothers list. im la-Z
I just got cut out of it. I'm not on the list any more! :(
ohh lol but i found it tho, and iv been gone 4 3-4 months
No, if youve been gone for a bit, theres a prob with the id thingy. Somebody broked it.
your up cj