1063744 for a page of logos!
hey guys can you check this id out. id:1052454 just see if theres a glicch or sumthing. its my first aray copyer.lol.
okay then :) do i go up any higher with my nokia lumia save?
ok il fix it soon, my internet is haveing sum probs so its realy pachy and slow.
i made logos for lineark and circovik say ive been promoted to orca
@PlatinumTechno, yes thatl get you in with a score of 625 for now. @cyberdragon, il check them out but im prob not gona comment. and plz keep your comments in one thing, it crouds the other comments. and if you want my to look at more then one saves; just ask 4 a rescore. @JUSTINHUM1 no you did not pass, sry.
can u put mine plz its called stick man battle it haz 3 different words 649451
@cyberdragon, happened to me too :(. It's a complicated emoticon safty device!