47 / 11
4th Mar 2012
5th Mar 2012
plain an simple, a hyper-mercurial space-craft that can resist hundreds of particles of DEST (taking some damage in the process)
shld ship spaceship engine mercury merc boyl electronic shield space


  • CNOfusioncycle
    9th May 2013
    imade armor like it but when i put alot of dest it got suoer hot and would not reform.
  • CNOfusioncycle
    9th May 2013
    It is immune to gbombs nukes dest's, and bombs exploding at the smetime
  • dylantyler
    19th Apr 2013
    Check out my Cargo Ship user:dylantyler too pds3-14 +1
  • pds3-14
    6th Apr 2013
    DMG was made after this, modern breakable armor would be much more sophisticated, I was just getting annoyed that like 50 parts of DEST would nuke anything homogeniously solid, "EVEN QRTZ!" (which nowadays is commonly considered easy to destroy and puncture).
  • PTuniverse
    3rd Apr 2013
    Add a single piece of SING, and watch as it gets eaten to pieces by the growing colony.
  • bren9874
    21st Mar 2013
    DMG was very affective Critical damage!
  • runemaster
    13th Mar 2013
    And, the armor isnt exactly SUPPOST to be the usual "Deflect everything.." it contains the blast, So in short, This ship is one of the most advanced... Considering most of you cant do much better, Just assume that even if you can modify it, the origional still inspired you to create it and you started off with this creation
  • runemaster
    13th Mar 2013
    Well, considering everyone just tries to forget this fact when they insult the ship, This was made in 2012, More importantly MARCH. In march the powder toy was very basic, so DEST was the most effective explosive tool, And for the fact that gravity is off... Its in fucking space, What do you expect?
  • Poggle566
    11th Mar 2013
    This is epic and very wierd.
  • pds3-14
    23rd Feb 2013
    @thatsvenguy lolz, yup.