A deuterium bomb concept, fuselage for rocket needs fixing.
@redrusty Because it has an extreme density.
Why is the deut white
You should add n emp to the middle one, it would make it the only bomb to get through ARAY bunkers
Brucey this is very amazing I like the middle one the most though because it has the longest time.
i tried it and when i saved it, it was about 14k so yeah i'm right. you can test it or whatever but dont tell people to stfu when you're wrong and YOU dont try stuff.
yes, i tried it mr do 9999999 and when i saved it rounded to 14k so you stfu before telling me to stfu wehn i'm talking bout something im right at.
@henry700 You don't need to be a d!ck about it just because you've never tried it so you, stfu
Sketch, stfu. the numbers go arround 1000 after you exceed the limit either because of the bit storage value things or powder toy just uses a formula to up em down. max i ever got is 50k. maybe limits 99
ctive. You can make it more effective by cooling it down to its lowest temperature. Trust me, it works :)
@kiroma You can compress deuterium even more by typing in !set life deut 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 I know it may sound n00bish but it makes the bombs WAY more effe-