This star took a while to complete because I had to get each plasma particle to be the right colour. I hope you like it and feel free to copy but you have to give me credit. please comment and tell me what you think.
What in the flippitydowahtalblialibidaemonvalcano is going on here? It's a star out of coal, how did this get religious ._.
How about this:Lets not have ignorant conversations about religion/lack of religion.Even if it is for metaphorical reasons,religion should not be a key part to your argument.That is extremely narrow minded and down right absurd.It is one thing to use the anonymity of the internet to start arguments,but it is another when you insult someones intelligence and or beliefs. :D
@vladew: Seriosly? If you can't follow the rules you don't deserve to play. If you can't stay in line, then you DON'T DESERVE TO PLAY!!
Turn newtonian gravity on then put gravity all over it for BLACK HOLE!
unpause for SUPERNOVA!
Don't listen to me? You're just as guilty of ban evading as he would be.
i did its name is Skittle
@Allehcin -Meh, if you'r IP Dynamic - Don't listen moderators and admins. Get banned? Make new account!
thanks, I thought people would like that.
i like the explosive ending.