JoeyNLASP Made logo on top
he dosnt make logos any more
can u make me one with the same font as "ERROR" but write "Fear Club" please?
why do you not make any more
can i have a logo of any kind
can i have one like what cosmos has?
may i have a minecraft note (music note from note block) thats purple.. with my name in green at the bottom thnx :P
I would like a logo from rainbow exot (!set tmp2 exot 6001) and made it kinda flashy (maek one letter, suround it with dmnd and press F few times (repeat every letter), then type in console !set type dmnd none, copy it and make a really nive backgroud, paste the exot letters on the background and its done :)...) I want the background of the letters to be a war area (like a normal land but with craters, explosions and maybe a nuclear mushroom at the back, please shade it very nice, tell me when its done :) THANK YOU
I Stitch90994, would like a logo like IRONRHINOS, except with my username being shot out. Thanks!