Fine um, can I get a logo with a Nissan Skyline on top of my name? And I would like for my name to be silver and blue...
Okey, is it all right if I take a gun from my save mini guns or do I need to make another gun?
can you make a logo for me with a sniper or a m249 saw in it?
I said that I didn't know what gold metal background blablabla... was ;$ I'm sorry but my english isn't very well, so maybe you can explane what thet means
What happened to mine I asked for one?
this is better than what i anticipated, expected! this will work alot better. thank you again MrNoName!
I made one logo cuz I just drawed and i made this and I don't want to do nothing with it XD so here is one logo, the logo you want I will make soon
Okey, I will make an example and you need to say if that is what you want. and the letters self? How do they need to look