A logo maker, i can make anything bar people and video game characters, some animals and minecraft things
ok i can in 5 after a job concerning bins
so a orange TV saying PC with your name in orange with a caption P.A.S.T. bing us back!
oh and please can i have it in orenge!!! and the caption in light blue
please can you make me one with a tv saying pc on it and saying p.a.s.t bring us back! please and a tv saying pc on it!
hahahahhahahahhahahaahahalolllolololool i just asked somee one else that very same question XD but yes we could but (lol) we need a logo
hey blueberry we could make a logo team
Hi Blueberry98 please can you make me a very deatailed logo of a laptop with my name on its screen
@hunt done! @bagels right away! :) :) :)