vent behind the pcln hah, ^_^,, ill try
holy crap, the day before there were almost no comments, and look at the vote's :O, thank you guy's much, if u wanna see more of my best art, search for '' Halo masterchief ''
I could have made a better one if I hadn't taken an arrow to the knee :P No I'm just kidding, great job!
some 1 should make the ENDER DRAGON
by azura by azura by azura! it's the grand champion! iv'e had all the eleder scrolls this one is just amzing, ur art is Amazing +1
if u want it to shoot out then just add vent behind the pcln
nice job looks great...but can you try to make it so the ice breath kinda shoots out?
just let it shoot farderb
someone stole my sweet roll XD
Just take anarrow in the knee :D