7 / 3
4th Dec 2011
23rd Mar 2012
Information: [ClASSIFIED]


  • Powder-Creator
    5th Dec 2011
    Ok, now I know what you mean. YOu mean the part where the bullet shell comes out! Now I get it..
  • Powder-Creator
    5th Dec 2011
    The whole gun doesn't go back, just the chamber. Not an epic fail, in MW2 the whole top part of the chamber goes back, it's supposed to be like that. Get it now?
  • Renovation
    5th Dec 2011
    Epic fail the whole gun is not suppose to go back... want me to fix it? And kk lynx
  • Powder-Creator
    5th Dec 2011
    Lynx, I colored and shaded the tip of the pistol, I will keep working from there on.
  • Lynxrufus
    5th Dec 2011
    kk srry @renovation i dont play on here a lot so whoever is on is welcome to work on this with me, its nothing personal, but i didnt want to wait until someone was on, on their own time, to work on this
  • Powder-Creator
    5th Dec 2011
    Already made the gltich stop. Found a way out, and now I'm finished, I'm just coloring the handel now. I'm also done with the firing mech, I made it based off my M9, but at the same time it's different.
  • Renovation
    5th Dec 2011
    Lynx I thought I was going to do the mech? And Powder-Creator I know how to make that glitch stop..
  • xOreoz
    5th Dec 2011
    Make the part that you can see a little bit darker
  • Powder-Creator
    4th Dec 2011
    Not sure if I got the LCD working, can you double check?
  • Powder-Creator
    4th Dec 2011
    Doesn't do that for me, it saves the color i'm on.