1999 / 133
13th Dec 2010
27th Aug 2015
Lots of electronic componenents. Some are not functional, but you still can use them. Thanks to all the people that voted and made it top row.
electronics logic-gates transistor resistor lamp capacitor diode lcd battery clock


  • Watchyostep
    17th Apr 2014
  • AnimeFan270
    16th Apr 2014
    By the way, how do you activate the timer? I can not seem to find a way of setting up a clock.
  • AnimeFan270
    16th Apr 2014
    The Logic Gates do the same function as the Diodes. And one of the crystals can generate infinite electricity for whatever it is hooked up to. Useful.
  • Mur
    13th Apr 2014
    (cont) The delay lines delays a signal by some frames. The resistors limit the amount of current flow. The Lamps, uh, shine when current is applied to them. The light sensor is more a heat sensor. Everything else is pretty decorative.
  • Mur
    13th Apr 2014
    @AnimeFan270: The digital circuitry is pretty easy to understand if you know digital electronics or Boolean algebra. The LCD's have individual terminals to turn on each segment and one to clear the digit. The crystals are some kind of oscillators. The "solar" panel converts photons into electricity, just like the real thing. The diodes let the electrical current flow only in one direction. The transistors switch a signal according to the presence of an electrical current in the base.
  • AnimeFan270
    13th Apr 2014
    Could you help me understand these a bit?
  • AnimeFan270
    13th Apr 2014
    Oops. By the way, I commented!
  • AnimeFan270
    13th Apr 2014
    Love the BAACK TO THE FUTURE reference.
  • Rakeplay
    13th Apr 2014
    I guess people just don't comment on stuff because my comments are 1 year old now! XD
  • Evan05
    26th Mar 2014
    +1 bravo :) :) !