I have no friends who play powder toy D: Sometimes i think it's all just 50 people playing under different names.
just join on forums and get your friends to make there own account and play on powder toy! you could be muilti skill teacher or laser teacher if you want to join,join on forums!
sure i suppose, but i don't know how good of a teacher i'd be. :P
ohhh that but thats when the beta update is over because i don't like pubublishing in beta but when it's over try to find me and temind me...Hey do you want to be a TPT teacher?
there's a new element in the current beta called elec... it's a particle that acts like phot/neut and gives off a spark when it hits metal.
what do you mean? eleteron? you mean plasma shooting?
Already checked it out! Seems pretty good, i'm sure you'll make some great lasers in the future! Good luck trying to make an electron laser though! :P
That's make sense it would be huge for people on earth! Hey Check my Suupersonic laser!
and i imagine it doesn't seem so small to the people on that planet ;)