Using thespazz's original burst mech, I have created a M16A2 Rifle. I will work on this as much as I can untill the bugs are ironed out. Thank you, and do not copy. Update. I fixed the bugs between mechs. I will be adding a functioning forward assist.
which doesnt make sense considering you usaully dont want people to see you:)
I didn't know that either. What do you think of the new mech?
yeah but they cant have solid black guns like we do. their guns have to be bright colors
Cool, you brits are lucky, you don't have to have stupid neon orange flash suppresors like we do.
Im going airsofting soon!
In order to get the three round burst effect, you need to spark the trigger once at a time. Otherwise it will be full auto.
Neat, one do you mean "spark the trigger once at a time"? It works fine full-auto... or is that an ammo thing?
Ok, I changed the mech, you can now shoot ten bursts of three rounds.
Yeah, I know. I'll just stick with my original. But I'll keep this just incase.
id stick with the original desine or git the other mech, your verson is a litle off