The Powder Nerds, a group that only lets in the best. To join, send a request in the comments and what you want to be. In order to join you must have an entry simulation that fits into your profession.
can i join? at good at bombs and electronics but i dont mind which one im in.
OK. Just post an entry simulation and we'll see. We need someone who isn't an artist.
im ecelent at electronics please for give my grammor ( can i join )
OK, I'm starting a competition for Artist Chief. Feel free to enter. Remember, though, only one will win.
We'll see. For now, we need people in other fields. Please submit an entry if you want to join.
can i join as a artist and techie search user:wolflover79 to see my works
@circovik accepted @emel I may or may not decide tonight. Whoever wants a Chief position, just shout out.
when do we get our chief position results?
My bomb page ID is 536225 but they are only some of the bombs I have.
but i still want artist position, plz.. :)