The Powder Nerds, a group that only lets in the best. To join, send a request in the comments and what you want to be. In order to join you must have an entry simulation that fits into your profession.
OK, wolf. I'll put you as techy but you have quite a bit of room for imporvement. As for jammy, you seem very proficient with bombs so I'll put you down as a soldier.
the other things were my logos!
am i going to join :(???
I want to be Soldier! and may I be the leader of that branch?
it was meant to be 4 tekie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sigh* OK, wolf, I'll add you as an artist.
i made my thing for the club
can i join look at my stuff to see what i can do pls :)
OK, andy, you've been accepted as a techy.
OK. Just submet an entry simulation.