The Powder Nerds, a group that only lets in the best. To join, send a request in the comments and what you want to be. In order to join you must have an entry simulation that fits into your profession.
why the hell havent u added my logo or me!!!!?
hey, check out "4 powder nerd!!.. :)" ... :)
hey i made a logo..
Ok, but can I be Techy and Artist, because I like doing both
@surfcash You have to pick one of the 3 fields first. I'll decide whether or not you can become a master. Just submit an entry.
and, u can take a look at my apc logos, too.. u might wanna take that in, too.. overall, i dunno too much 'bout error.. :( ... :)
Can I be a Master?
KK il make a logo >:D
Well then, Error, feel free to submit an entry. For now, I'll use emel's logo but will wait a bit on adding him as chief. Emel, you've been accepted.
Ill be the Artist....... :) im pretty sure im good with decor >_> hehe