2981 / 397
16th Nov 2010
16th Nov 2010
No description provided.
big-boom nuke bomb timed exlosion durrrrrrr expl ur-welcome isparked hhthhg


  • bdoss5
    13th May 2015
    it is fantastic you should be proud i wish i could do some thing like that
  • bdoss5
    13th May 2015
    good job i think it was awesome
  • ardw1121
    26th Apr 2015
    you only need to sparks once
  • sds71
    16th Apr 2015
    Uuuuum... no... deuterium monoxide does not exist. Deuterium is actually an isotope of hydrogen and has exactly the same chemical properties as water. Hydrogen gas may ignite but it's nucleus is too stable. ONLY Deuterium or Tritium (hydrogen with two neutrons instead of one as in Deuterium) will be able to start a fusion. However neither hydrogen nor deuterium nor tritium will be willing to undergo fission. Fission only works with extremely large nuclei.
  • sandyhill
    11th Apr 2015
    Actually, sds71, the 'deut' in tpt is dideuterium-monoxide which is supposed to resistant to fission, not highly fissionable. Its used to cool some uranium reactors. What you need is straightup hydrogen gas to make an actual fusion reaction in tpt.
  • sds71
    9th Apr 2015
    Nice work, but unfortunately not the tsar bomb. Therefore you'd need to use DEUT. It was a hydrogen bomb, this one is just an atomic bomb.
  • DaMinecraftRuler
    8th Apr 2015
    it is HUGE! (stop laughing perverts)
  • Kyrts
    18th Mar 2015
    Cool Thing
  • Factorial
    18th Mar 2015
    @GNAR read the rules about vulgar content here. Also stop saying sh!t in this save
  • TrollzMcZealous
    17th Mar 2015
    stop it you pice of shit